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2023 Convention in Brooks
Our 65th convention was held in Brooks, Alberta September 28 to October 1. The theme was “At the Circus”.
Convention 2022
Our 64th convention (after missing a couple due to Covid19) was hosted by the Oil Wives Club of Leduc October 13-16, 2022. The theme was “The Roaring 20s”. Of 28…
Convention 2019 Superheroes and Villains!
Our 63rd convention was hosted by the Oil Wives club of Beaumont October 3-5, 2019. Twenty-four of the twenty-seven clubs were in attendance for a total of 258. Total association…
Convention 2018
Convention #62 was held October 11, 12, and 13th, 2018 and hosted by The Oil Wives Club of Spruce Grove at the Nisku Inn & Convention Centre in Nisku, Alberta.…
Convention 2017
Convention #61 was held September 28, 29, 30th 2017 and hosted by The Oil Wives Club of Medicine Hat in Medicine Hat, Alberta. The theme was “Alice In Wonderland”. There…
Lloydminster Ladies Make the Paper!!
Everyone knows the Border City is known for its oil. But what is there for the wives who are left to take care of the home? One club was founded…